Are you ready to find your inner balance? 


In this  workshop series you will learn the art of Tao, how to cultivate your life force energy (Chi) and use it to heal your mind, body and soul. 


What is Taoism?

"Taoism (also spelled Daoism) is a religion and a philosophy from ancient China that has influenced folk and national belief. Taoism has been connected to the philosopher Lao Tzu, who around 500 B.C.E. wrote the main book of Taoism, the Tao Te Ching. Taoism holds that humans and animals should live in balance with the Tao, or the universe. Taoists believe in spiritual immortality, where the spirit of the body joins the universe after death."  - National Geographic


I want to celebrate with you all my latest achievement of becoming a certified instructor with Mantak Chia.


It has been such a life-changing experience and such a potent uplevel to my tool belt and skill set.


I am really excited to celebrate by releasing a series of workshops that you can attend live or have as replays for life.


I have collated the best practices to totally transform your life.


They will all be recorded and you will get life time access so you can watch them over and over again and integrate them into your daily practice.



 I want to share a little bit about why I these practices have been so transformational for me in my life and why I want to share this with you.


It all started as the COVID lockdown happened and my curiosity into pleasure activated. I found my mentor and teacher Layla Martin who introduced me to Mantak Chia’s leanage of Jade Egg practices.


But the full magic didn’t start time Tao Garden where I am now. I learnt about the microcosmic orbit 4 years ago and became multi-full-body-orgasmic and most people know Mantak Chia for his Multiorgasmic books, that was a next-level transformation for my ability to receive pleasure.


I loved that I learned how to use my sexual energy to full and heal my body. I learnt the inner smile and the 6 healing sounds but it wasn’t till I really embodied them and understood them over the 4 week winter retreat here in Tao Garden with Mantak Chia that I really understood the power of these practices.


The basics and the most common are the most powerful, this is why I am sooo eager to teach you the Inner Smile and 6 healing sounds. Since I have learnt them from Layla Martin they have been adapted to an even more powerful process.


Some of you may know I have been on a Soul Pilgrimage since the end of last year and a lot of intense feelings, emotions, and situations have been coming up for me and the 6 Healing Sounds Practice has played a crucial role in me keeping my sanity and regulating my nervous system, and giving me the power to heal from within.


If you struggle with emotions such as sadness, grief, depression, fear, paranoia, anger, jealousy, envy, impatience, hatred, cruelty, worry, doubt and mistrust - 6 Healing Sounds will support you to balance the emotions and the organs that these emotions are connected to.


The Inner Smile practice will help you tap into unconditional love with your body and organs.


The biggest thing I have received from all the teachings is a deeper connection and understanding of my body parts and organs. I feel immense gratitude for all that my body does for me and I learnt the tools to help it function better and I want to share them with you.


I also got a totally deepened understanding of energy and my channels have opened even more and I have become even more sensitive to it.





Here are the session themes:

Times and dates according to Chiang Mai 



Finding The Inner Balance With Tao!

Instant Access
Buy Finding The Inner Balance Here

Keep scrolling for more info on each workshop!


Cultivating Prosperity, Wealth And Abundance With Tao.

Instant Access
Buy Cultivating Prosperity, Wealth And Abundance With Tao Here.

Keep scrolling for more info on each workshop! 


Jade Egg Energetic Practice

Instant Access
Buy Jade Egg Energetic Practice Here

Keep scrolling for more info on each workshop!


Inner Peace While Dating Or Looking For The One Tao Way.

Instant Access
Buy Inner Peace While Dating Or Looking For The One Tao Way Here.

Keep scrolling for more info on each workshop!




$55 each or

2 for $100

3 for $140 usd + lifetime access to recording

4 for $165 usd + lifetime access to recording (Click here to buy all 4)


You can purchase the workshops individually below or if you would like to mix and match your workshops please email me for the discounted payment link at [email protected]



**Lifetime access to replay for you to refer to over and over again**.


**After Payment you will receive an email confirmation with all the information, if you are having any issues please email me.




WORKSHOP 1: Finding The Inner Balance With Tao!

Instant Access


In this workshop, I will help you come back into the inner balance of your body, mind and soul with the most transformational practices and tools from Grand Master Master Mantak Chia.


Whether you have been personally following my journey or you have randomly stumbled on this page, I want to share with you that since November 2023 I have been on a soul pilgrimage. Something within me pulled me to India out of nowhere leaving my BF behind in Perth. I have not been back since, I was then pulled to an Osho Centre where I lived for 1 month and then again pulled to Tao Garden for Grand Master Mantak Chia’s Taoism Winter Retreat where I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to become and Instructor for this work.


My pilgrimage has been full on and I have found myself processing a lot of intense feelings and emotions and rapidly upleveling. The practices that I will be teaching in this workshop are the most updated versions of Mantak Chia’s teachings and they have been totally crucial to me in staying level-headed, emotionally grounded, balanced and at peace in the mids of total emotional and situational chaos.


Balance is one of the top principles of Tao, the yin and yang. There is a lot of tools and techniques to support your whole system to come back into balance and I am excited to be sharing the most effective ones with you in this workshop.



The workshop will be 2 hours, there will be a little bit of theory, lots of practice and space for Q&A, you will have lifetime access to the recording so you can come back to these teachings over and over again.


What will happen in the workshop:

  • This practice will help you connect deeper with your physical body, your organs, your skeletal system.
  • You will connect with your emotions and you will learn where they get stored in the body energetically
  • You will learn effective Tao techniques to bring balance and healing to each organ.
  • You will learn how to cultivate your own energy to bring healing to your physical, emotional and soul body.
  • You will learn one of the most effective Tao tools to cultivate self-love and self-compassion.
  • You will learn to plug up energy leaks


After the workshop you will feel more free, liberated and at peace, plugging up those emotional energy leaks so you can harness that energy towards your mission/purpose or deeper connection with loved ones.


What other’s have said about this workshop:

This is a Game Changer in recognizing, releasing, and reprogramming negative emotions! Learning which negative emotions that are associated with each organ allowed for even more integrative release for me. It helped me to direct my energy because i knew “the why”.

When Dasha taught us which organs certain negative emotions are being held in, it was an “ah-ha” moment for me. Because i could understand “why” i felt pain/stiffness or a heaviness in certain areas, and could then release and reprogram them with her guidence.

Qi Gong is the Bomb! I love the spinal and body movements Dasha guided us in-i could feel energy flowing more freely inside my body!

EMDR on steroids-game changer! For anyone familiar with EMDR using eye movement to re-program thoughts/emotions…imagine adding even more depth by learning how to direct your energy to the exact organs that hold those particular emotions and using sound and movement to release and reprogram them even more effectively! I highly recommend taking this course and any course from Dasha-she’s the real deal!” - Kelly D, Massage Therapist and Coach


**After Payment you will receive an email confirmation with all the information, if you are having any issues please email me.





Cultivating Prosperity, Wealth And Abundance With Tao.

Instant Access


In this workshop, you will learn how to shift your energetic relationship to money to feel safe and regulated to receive more.


I will be teaching you energy practices to magnetise prosperity that have been passed down through generations and were taught to me by Grand Master Mantak Chia.


Do you want to feel like, YES ABUNDANCE already won!! Then keep reading...


Money has been a huge journey for me I come from a very long lineage of poverty mentality and scarcity, especially because both my grandmas survived the St Petersburg blockade that lasted 900 days with no food coming into the city, during the WW2.


Prosperity, wealth and abundance has been a very tough journey and I feel like it never ends but finally, I feel settled as I have the most powerful tools to get me through anything, and I really mean anything. While being in Tao and learning from Grand Master Mantak Chia I have had sooo many breakthroughs in all those areas and you know how the breakthroughs go…they start with breakdowns.


Breakdowns are freaking terrifying when they are around money, they are stressful and painful.


Thank goodness for these tools that made me in thousands of dollars just in my time being here in Tao Gardens and helped me to feel safe and worthy to hold it and I am so excited to be sharing them with you.


The workshop will be 2 hours, there will be a little bit of theory, lots of practice and space for Q&A, you will have lifetime access to the recording so you can come back to these teachings over and over again.


What will happen:

  •  You will learn the best energy practice to attract prosperity
  •  You will remove energy blocks in your body around money, wealth, prosperity and abundance (real-time on the call)
  •  You will have a greater understanding of how your beliefs around money impact your physical and energy body and how to clear unwanted things
  •  You will leave at peace with your relationship with money
  •  You will have the tools to deal with unpredictable worst-case scenarios around money
  •  You will learn how to plug into the abundance frequency and open the abundance tap 
  •  You will learn to plug energy leaks around money


After the workshop you will feel more free, liberated and at peace, plugging up those emotional energy leaks around money so you can harness that energy towards your mission/purpose or deeper connection with loved ones.



What others have said who have experienced these teachings from me:

“Dasha has a very embodied energy and powerful transmission when teaching and have experienced it during the Six Healing Sounds and Inner Smile meditation. 

I felt seen and I felt very tuned in with the rhythm of my personal alchemy and release of emotions. A gem. The practices and the holding. Very grateful for such tool and such a vessel of light ✨” - Aura, Artist and Therapist


**After Payment you will receive an email confirmation with all the information, if you are having any issues please email me.





Jade Egg Tao Energy Practice

 6th of March 5:30am

Chiang Mai, Thailand


In this workshop, you will learn how to heal your body, mind and soul with the Ancient Chinese Taoist Female Practices of the Jade Egg.


I am a certified Jade Egg Coach with Vita Method and I am sooo excited to be bringing more energy focus to my practice combining all the pleasure tools I already know and infusing them with chi.


We will begin with activating the energy body to prepare it for the energy practice and then we will dive into the Tao Jade Egg Practice to nourish and balance the reproductive organs, it is recommended that you have a drilled egg with string but if you don’t you will still be able to do most of the practice.


I am also excited to share about my experience and some success stories from these incredible practices.


The workshop will be 2 hours, there will be a little bit of theory, lots of practice and space for Q&A, you will have lifetime access to the recording so you can come back to these teachings over and over again.


What will happen in the workshop:

  •  You will learn how to activate the energy body and harness your sexual energy
  •  I will teach you tools to alchemise the sexual energy into energy to nourish your cells, organs, bones, blood, other physical parts and energetic parts
  • You will learn Ancient Taoism Female Mystery Practices that have been passed down through generation, such a 9-flower-massage, breast massage and more.
  •  You will learn energy and pleasure techniques for better health
  •  You will have a deeper understanding and connection with your yoni(vulva)
  •  You will learn top Tao tools to support you to come into inner balance of the body, mind and soul



If you don’t have any egg you can purchase one click here.

Traditionally the egg that was used was Jade Nephrite for its Yang energy to bring the energy of the yoni and the reproductive organs into balance.


**After Payment you will receive an email confirmation with all the information, if you are having any issues please email me.





Inner Peace While Dating Or Looking For The One Tao Way.

 12th of March 7:30am

Chiang Mai, Thailand


 In this workshop, you will learn the tools to face any rejection, any fear, regret or turmoil while dating and looking for the one.



Are you sick of constant worry?


Are you doomed to be alone for the rest of your life?


Have you shut your heart away to protect it from the pain?


It is too much and confusing looking for the one?


Can you not even imagine yourself getting out into the dating scene…again?


Are you terrified of rejection?


Are you terrified of your heart being broken or expectations never met?


Are you doubting that the one even exists?


Are you jealous of others and constantly compare yourself and question why you are single?


Was Valentine’s a tough time for you?


If you answered yes to any of the above then this workshop is for you…


Insert any worry, drama, or concern around dating and we will release it, bringing your body, mind and soul back into balance and creating a very peaceful, enjoyable, pleasant, inspiring and exciting place for you to day from.


I have been working with these tools with my clients around dating and they have had the most mind-blowing results.


Their worries, grief, fear, and mistrust alchemised into trust, courage love, joy happiness, can you imagine what that could do for your relationships and life?


To have this power to alchemise the emotions like that?


These practices have been passed down through generations and then updated with new scientific research.


The workshop will be 2 hours, there will be a little bit of theory, lots of practice and space for Q&A, you will have lifetime access to the recording so you can come back to these teachings over and over again.


What will happen in the workshop:

  •  We will be working specifically on all the pain, drama, and negative emotions that get stored in the body while dating and looking for the one.
  • You will get tools to feel safer to open your heart
  •  You will learn one of the most effective Tao tools to cultivate self-love and self-compassion.
  •  You will learn to plug up energy leaks
  •  You will reclaim your power
  •  You will learn emotional energetic alchemy to transform emotions such as worry, anxiety, mistrust, anger, jealousy, sadness, regret, grief, impatience, fear, you name it.
  •  You will release any emotions in the body energetically
  •  You will release any blocks you have around dating
  •  You will learn effective Tao techniques to bring balance and healing to each organ.
  •  You will learn how to cultivate your own energy to bring healing to your physical, emotional and soul body.
  •  You will learn ancient Tao practices to help you connect deeper with your physical body, your organs, and your skeletal system and release stress from the entire body.


After this workshop, the heaviness of dating will be lifted and you will feel as if you are that excited teen ready for some action.



 **After Payment you will receive an email confirmation with all the information, if you are having any issues please email me.

To Purchase the workshops:



Finding The Inner Balance With Tao!

(Instant Access)


Cultivating Prosperity, Wealth And Abundance With Tao.

(Instant Access)



Jade Egg Energetic Practice

6th of March 5:30pm



Inner Peace While Dating Or Looking For The One Tao Way.

12th of March 7:30am
 **Times and dates according to Chiang Mai 




$55 each or

2 for $100

3 for $140 usd + lifetime access to recording

4 for $165 usd + lifetime access to recording (Click here to buy all 4)


You can purchase the workshops individually below or if you would like to mix and match your workshops please email me for the discounted payment link at [email protected]



**Lifetime access to replay for you to refer to over and over again**.


**After Payment you will receive an email confirmation with all the information, if you are having any issues please email me.
Click to buy: Finding The Inner Balance With Tao!
Click to buy: Jade Egg Energetic Practice
Click to buy: Cultivating Prosperity, Wealth And Abundance With Tao.
Click to buy: Inner Peace While Dating Or Looking For The One Tao Way.
Click to buy all 4 here!

You can't miss this if... 

✔ You want to learn the most powerful and effective emotional release tool I have come across

✔ You want to harness the superpower inside of you, the ability to heal yourself

✔ You want to come into the inner balance of mind, body and soul

✔ You wanted to see the updated teachings of Mantak Chia as they have changed over the years.

✔ You want to understand energy and how to activate it within you

✔ You want to learn how to cultivate energy

✔ You have been curious about Taoism

✔ You have a jade or yoni egg and don’t know how to use it properly 





Hi I am Dasha


I am Dasha, I call myself a Vision Doula, someone who helps YOU birth your craziest and wildest dreams into reality.


At 30 years of age, I live my purpose, I adore my life. I jump out of bed with excitement each morning (most days I don’t even drink coffee). I have travelled to over 55 countries and enjoy the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I have cultivated and manifested my dream life. My dream business and my dream relationship. The deeper I dive into loving myself, the easier life gets, I live in more alignment and I naturally embody my full power and go for my craziest, wildest dreams, in the most enjoyable and pleasurable way.


After completing a double major in psychology at university. I embarked on a mysticism journey into Shamanism and Tantra. Since then I have become a certified Tantric Approach Sex, Love and Relationship Coach, Women’s Work Facilitator, Yoga Teacher, Biodynamic Trauma Release Breathwork Facilitator, Somatic Embodiment Dance Facilitator, a Universal Tao Instructor, Jade Egg Coach, I have worked with Betty Martin, the creator of the Wheel of Consent, and I studied magic and alchemy with William Whitecloud. 


My journey into Taoism started in 2021 where I was first introduced to Mantak Chia's Microcosmic Orbit and Jade Egg practices, these tools changed my life and I wanted to go to the source and learn from the Master himself. I had the honor of visiting Tao Garden in 2024 and becoming an Instructor.

Six Healing Sounds Practice has gotten me through the toughest times.

it is one of the most effective and efficient emotional release practices I have ever done. I have never felt so in tune and connected to my body and organs before.


My deepest desire is to help people see that miracles and magic are real and that they can too live an extraordinary life.