Are you ready to speak to the Unspoken and free yourself from shame, doubt, fear and regret?

Introducing Unspoken my 3-month immersive and experiential, online group journey...


Unspoken will take you from second-guessing your purpose, your life, and your choices, to having the confidence to go after what you want, permission to dream those crazy wild dreams, and the motivation to make them into reality. It does this without the guesswork, overwhelm, and loneliness by following my proven, step-by-step 12 week journey.

Do you believe that life is going to stay the same? 


That it may never actually change for you?

Trust me, I freaking get it. I tried to constantly solve my problems from the same limited thinking from the reality I was living. We don’t know, what we don’t know. I was stressed. I couldn’t see a way to change my life. I knew I was deeply unfulfilled. I sure as hell had no idea about what could actually be possible for me, or even where to start. 


Are you already thinking you don't have the time,  you can't afford it, and even if you could find the cash it won't work for you anyway?

I felt like everyone else ‘out there’ was making money, in jobs that they really loved and life just worked for them. 

When no one around you is reaching for bigger things, how can you? 

When your thinking isn't challenged, how can you? 

I know I certainly didn't feel free to be myself. I was in a constant cycle of working to save, doing all the 'right things' yet still unhappy, and not knowing how to change any of it. My life only radically changed when I started to get real with all the unconscious shit that was at play, and be fully responsible for creating my life, and it's results.

I was once in that exact, same position of shitty, limited thinking.

I am amazed at who I was, even a year ago, and how limited my thoughts and life experience were. I didn’t know how to meet myself, hold myself or love myself enough to want or ask for more.

I trust that if you are reading this, this is no coincidence. I am huge believer in synchronicity and Universal timing. I believe that the right teachers and guides show up when you least expect it. I believe that every human acts as a mirror back to us, and that there are lessons and gifts in this. 

I believe this isn’t an accident that you are here.

I am all about making the impossible, possible. 


I am here to show you your full worth, unlock every bit of it, and connect you to your divine purpose.

I am on a mission to help people win at life, for them to have the freedom to connect to what they truly want in life and then cultivate and manifest it with absolute ease and flow.


This is what a past Unspoken client has said...  



"The other day I wrote down a number of key elements that I wanted in my day and they all happened. Beautiful women reaching out to me, money from the sky among a number of other things. That was so delightful to recognise how instantly and effectively that came true"


I joined the Unspoken because I wanted to improve on my financial situation I wanted to generate more love/sex/relationship/physical affection in my life. All of what I desired happened plus I got my first client in the program which has now multiplied into 3 clients, which was a very big win and a proud moment for me! 

Now my life looks much more ordered, much clearer, much more aligned with my values than it did at the beginning of this program. I'm meditating more, using affirmations way more, creating my days/weeks from the future already fulfilled, I experience much more freedom around sharing on digital platforms which was another smaller goal for me in this program.

The other delightful part of my experience was that the other day I wrote down a number of key elements that I wanted in my day and they all happened. Beautiful women reaching out to me, money from the sky among a number of other things. That was so delightful to recognise how instantly and effectively that came true. The Unspoken seemed to have been at the heart of a whirlwind of transformation & self-discovery that I have been experiencing so far this year and that anyone who wants to expand themselves would do themselves a great service to participate in a program with Dasha.


Elliot H - Artist, Explorer, Poet, Wizard


I have been asked so many times to share my personal story about how I was able to look at all the areas of my life that were unspoken, and gave them a voice. I have been asked so many times to share how I let go of a lifetime’s worth of bad feelings, and released shame + fear + guilt, to help me cut through all the BS that had prevented me from living the life of my dreams. 

I have been asked so many times to share the tools to deal with the shit that stopped me in life, so that you too, can uncover your blind spots and shine the light on your shadows to claim your best life. 

I went from making $25/h to receiving more in one night than I had ever received in my annual income.


We are talking cash, money in my bank that night.


Since shifting my limits, I have built a booming business, I was able to open my heart to love, and I have never been healthier and happier. 


I share my exact process with you in The Unspoken...

You can actually have a life you adore and turn everything around. 


"I got all that plus a loving and transparent relationship with my boyfriend. I am now a proud small business owner. I have an online health business. I healed my sisterhood wound and manifested a loving community"


Before the Unspoken I wanted to improve my manifesting skills, have more power in my life and combat negative self beliefs. Out of doing the Unspoken I got all that plus a loving and transparent relationship with my boyfriend. I am now a proud small business owner. I have an online health business. I healed my sisterhood wound and manifested a loving community of women into my life which was not going to happen before. My life is much more authentic, I am honest, express myself and now know when to speak and when to just listen which was a huge growth for me! I ask for what I want now and believe I can create it. Life is filled with possibility. The most delightful part of the Unspoken was the meditation experiences and journeying deeper with myself. If you are thinking about working with Dasha… Do it!

You will uncover all the hidden demons working against you and get to live a more loving and empowering life.


Gemma A - Fashion stylist and online health business owner



Hi, I am DASHA (she/her)


At 27 years of age, I live my purpose, I adore my life. I jump out of bed with excitement each morning (most days I don’t even drink coffee). I have traveled to over 52 countries and enjoy the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I have cultivated and manifested my dream life. My dream business and my dream relationship. The deeper I dive into myself, the more truth I can speak, and the more results I can manifest.


I used to believe that I couldn't make money from doing my soul work. I used to think that I had to give my gifts away for free, because who was I to make money from them? Or I had to have a soul-draining full-time job and do what I love as a side-hustle.


I used to think that I would be single forever and die alone, because all men where arseholes and I only attracted d-heads.


I used to worry about time and money, I never felt like I had enough.


Everything shifted in my life when I was ready to take a truthful review of my life, and my beliefs. 


I dived into exploring my taboos, my shadows, the parts I was ashamed off, the parts I hated and how I constructed my inner reality. 


My whole life transformed when I realised that money and love, and pleasure were all equal to how I felt about myself, and the more I live in my authenticity and truth, the more I am able to step fully into all my dreams coming true! 


Since then I have been able to support hundreds of people in transforming their beliefs and creating the life of their dreams. And if it feels in alignment I would love to support you too :)


And I’m a Virgo, double Scorpio (for all of my Astrology buffs out there)


"Tools to see my shadows and work through them as they come. I also had a massive breakthrough around my money story. Life is amazing and I feel like I'm exactly where I should be" 


Before the Unspoken I struggled with money and being able to live my dream life. After the Unspoken everything transformed. Throughout the program I was fully expressing myself and all my beautiful qualities, shedding layer by layer each week. I found having a structure to my self development incredibly empowering and it gave me tangible subjects to work with weekly. I have also found that I have been more productive and way more confident in expressing myself. I now also have the tools to see my shadows and work through them as they come. I also had a massive breakthrough around my money story. Life is amazing and I feel like I'm exactly where I should be. The most delightful part for me was having a safe space to share vulnerably and authentically along with all of the weekly tasks!

My biggest takeaway was realising that we are mirrors off each other. Once we can fully embody this realisation, then the deep healing can take place. Unspoken is a life changing journey giving tools to be used afterwards. The way Dasha was so present with us and rooting for everyone the whole time made me feel grounded and that I could talk to her about anything.


Natasha Pritchard - A therapist at Lotus Hut and a manager at a crystal shop.


Join Unspoken

My life is testament to the power of The Unspoken, and the gift that it is. 


Now, I would love to share that gift with you…


Unspoken will take you from being trapped by what ifs, second guessing your purpose, your life and your choices, to having the confidence to go after what you want, permission to dream those crazy wild dreams and the motivation to make them into reality. Cultivating deeper, more fulfilling relationships and impacting the world for the better. It does this without the guesswork, overwhelm, and loneliness by following my proven, step by step 12 week immersive and experiential group journey.


Are you ready?



Unspoken is not like any other course you may have taken...


🤫  It’s not about feeding you more and more information, instead, it focuses on embodiment (felt experience in mind, soul, and body not just a concept in your head) and integration of the tools, supporting you in taking instant action and seeing instant results. (Even as early as week 2, see my client wins below)


🤫  You will be surrounded by a community of like minded souls, who will empower and encourage you to dream the impossible into reality, instead of asking you how?


🤫  I will not give up on you, I will always relate to you in as your higher self. I will hold you accountable and empower you to take radical responsibility of your life to reclaim your power and be able to deal with any triggers or other shit life throughs at you.


🤫  It’s a journey that starts with self love . Not some ‘Aquarian, hippy free loving concept’ yet a deep, dense and radical self acceptance of all the parts of yourself, especially the parts you hate, have rejected and are most ashamed of.









The Unspoken Digital Program & Exclusive Lifetime Course Content Access.

Weekly game changing videos and specific resources supporting you Speaking to the Unspoken process. You will have a whole week to work through and integrate each module. I bring my real and raw approach to helping you create radical change. This program will function as a microcosm of how you play the game of life. It highlights how you do everything in your life, reveals anything that stops you and makes for a big, reflective process. 


Engaging Weekly LIVE ‘Unspoken’ Group Masterclass.     

You’ll enjoy a LIVE Weekly Masterclass (times will be announced after participant timezones are confirmed) where you can dive deeper into your unravelling. You will receive personalised coaching with the opportunity of group format sharing for breakthrough opportunities. Loads of Q & A and engagement. Masterclasses are recorded and can be accessed at your convenience, however I recommend you attend LIVE as there is potency in tuning into the group dynamic.


Unlimited Private Facebook Group and Support.

You will have the opportunity to connect with like minded souls from all over the world who are too on the pathway to progress. Strong connections and bonds are formed through the intimacy of this support channel. Plus, fun and unforgettable memories are created, nothing brings you closer than working through your shadows together.


Soul Pods

Smaller groups within the bigger community, allowing for deeper and more intimate connections and friendships, accountability, support, feeling of community and belonging.


Guided meditations

That will support you to drop deeper into the process and access the subconscious parts of your mind, memories and beliefs. Giving you a real time, transformative experience on both the mental and energetic body.


Energetic Guidance with Dasha

With a huge passion for personal development, a double major in psychology, and a true lover of all things progressive and ritual, I created "The Unspoken" body of work to help guide others to embrace and speak to the taboo and claim the unmet and unowned parts of self. So buckle up, this is totally going to transform every way in how you live your life. It is not for the faint hearted. Shit gets real! 


"Each module was so unique and special. It taught me a lot, a lot of the stuff I didn't even realize I needed to know."


Before joining the Unspoken I was struggling with self-love and self-worth. I’ve had a breakthrough in both and I’m now able to set boundaries for myself and not feel drained from over giving. I'm not afraid of speaking up and being open with others about how I feel. My life now is filled with abundance. I'm more in tune with my intuition and emotions. I'm aware of how much power and magic I am able to create by setting intentions. The most delightful part of my experience was dedicating the time to work on myself. Each module was so unique and special. It taught me a lot, a lot of the stuff I didn't even realize I needed to know.


My biggest takeaways from the Unspoken were that no intention is the intention, knowing that I deserve what I wish for, that I am worthy of abundance and everything is MAGICKK! I have the full power and potential if I set my heart and mind to it. The whole course really surprised me at how on point the timings of the modules were, it surprised me how powerful all the modules were and just the energy of it. It all was held with so much love and support. 


Dasha definitely had unlocked a potential in me which I can't thank her enough for. And every time I got off after watching the zoom calls, I felt absolutely connected to the divine. Love you Dasha you Queen! If you are thinking about it I say HELL YEAHH!! If you're ready to peel the layers off your onion and be authentically you, rediscovering the essence of who you are. DEFINITELY UNSPOKEN IS A MUST!


Rina F - Videographer





You will see what is holding you back from being present to your life and achieving your most desired goals.



"I became more aware of what was holding my back, where my blocks were, where my shadow hides and I gained inspiration, courage and developed self-love"


I've just completed the Unspoken with Dasha. It was a crazy amazing journey and intensely encouraging and supportive. Being a part of this journey I became more aware of what was holding my back, where my blocks were, where my shadow hides, and I gained inspiration, courage and developed self-love tools to propel me forward in my healing. Before the unspoken, I struggled with my self-expression and fearing my worth to speak and share who I am fully. Now I have realized my fears are what tinge my reality and I have grown to hold and relate to myself differently with more compassion. I can meet myself in those fears with less resistance and show up for myself, my relationships, and my world with greater care and self-awareness. Thank Dasha for holding such a transformational container that's encouraging and nurturing xx


Kira M - Meditation music and film composer



You will experience massive breakthroughs in intimacy


You will have a deeper and more peaceful connection with your family, friends and partner. You will have tools to deal with disagreements and triggers in a powerful, calm and clear way. 


You will have the tools you need to handle anything life throws at you


You will have a better understanding of yourself and be equipped to thrive. During times of chaos or trauma, you will have a deeper connection to your intuition, and a deeper, more loving relationship to yourself and those around you. You will have higher self worth, and a better understanding of your personal boundaries.


You will be able to move forward with choices that feel good and take action


Your new found sense of freedom and confidence will help you see yourself in a new way, as you will have challenged yourself. You will experience a new viewpoint of life, and tune into things about yourself out of your comfort zone. You’ll see the pathway ahead and the steps to take to help you reach your goals. 



Module 1: Self Love

  • Sets the scene as we dive into Self Love. 
  • Discover how self love is the foundation of everything.
  • You will get the secret key to having your life work.
  • You will learn how your relationship to yourself impacts all other interactions.

Module 2: Soul Connections

  • You will get to heal and transform relationships with the people that matter most to you.
  • You will look at stories that have been hidden, suppressed, and ignored, releasing what no longer serves.
  • You will feel the tension in your body release, you will feel lighter and a new sense of freedom and peace of mind wash over you. 
  • You will discover why it is important to have strong and powerful support networks, and how to create them.

Module 3: Embodiment and Movement

  • You will learn what an inner body experience is and how that feels. in your own body.
  • You will descend deeper into your physical body, reactivating any numbness and clearing any blocks.
  • You will discover or connect deeper to the feminine and the masculine within
  • Learn about sound, breath and movement. Why it is important and how it can give you more freedom in your life. 
  • There is a lot of suppression of sound, breath and movement in our society, I am excited for you to experience the difference that this module is going to make in your life.

Module 4: Tapping Into Your Intuition

  • This module will transform your connection with your intuition
  • You will learn basic tasks to unlock your intuitive powers
  • Tools to deepen your abilities and trust in yourself no matter what level you are at.
  • This module will set you off on an adventure of a lifetime and I can not wait to hear all about it.
  • You will feel a lot more aligned with your highest self/source/the divine and have a better understanding of your purpose.

​Module 5: Freedom From The Shackles Of Your Shadow

  • In this module, you will get a taste of the freedom from the shackles of your shadow
  • We dive right into the depths of the parts of you that have not seen the light in many, many years.
  • You will receive deeper insights into what has been blocking you and stopping you from going for things you love/want.
  • You will learn tools to uncover your shadow and release the blocks that stopped you in life.
  • You will feel empowered, freed up and a heck lot lighter.


  • Space to rest, catch up, reflect, embody or clarify anything you have learned so far.

Module 6: Connection To Magick

  • Connection to Magick experiencing it in real-time.
  • You get to manifest, create and learn how to shift your frequency and vibration instantly.
  • This module will show you that life doesn't have to be hard and that magic is real.

​Module 7: Discovering Your Soul’s Purpose

  • All the weeks have been leading up to module 7 as we have been working through and releasing blocks that stop you from living your true essence.
  • Because of Unspoken’s integration approach by week 7 you will be able to tap into your purpose and discover why you are here on this planet earth.
  • You will have tools to dive deeper and deeper into your why. 

Module 8: Connection To Mother Nature

  • This module teaches you to connect to mother nature, pachamama, mother earth.
  • You will learn more tools to harness the power of mother Gaia, connecting deeper to the knowledge passed down by generations.
  • You will learn that we are nature and if we are not connected to nature there is a disconnect within ourselves.
  • You will reconnect to a part of yourself in this module, apart of you that you didn't know was missing.
  • Plus you will discover easy steps to deal with stress and overwhelm through your connection to nature.

​Module 9: Boundaries and Consent

  • After this module you will feel empowered AF. This knowledge totally changed my life and I am really excited to pass it over to you.
  • In this module you will deepen your understanding of boundaries and consent. Unfortunately from a young age we are conditioned to overstep our boundaries.
  • In this module you will learn to listen to and choose yourselves.
  • You will learn what a yes and no feels like in your body, and communication tools to ask for what you need/want.

Module 10: Relationship to Pleasure, Sex, Self Pleasure and Eros

  •  After this module you will leave with a transformed relationship to sex, love and pleasure.
  • This module is juicy AF and will close out the program with a bang.
  • You will feel more alive, more empowered and more comfortable with yourself, your body and your desires.
  • You will discover the close link this module has to you pursuing your purpose successfully and powerfully.


  • Space to rest, catch up, reflect, embody or clarify anything you have learned so far.

PLUS as an extra bonus you will have a total transformation with money, it is not a module but it is simply a bi-product of the Unspoken.



"During the program I found more alignment with my life path which led to quitting my career, and moving house to be surrounded by more joy & friendship, and to save money - I am now out of debt for the first time in 8 years!"


Prior to Unspoken I was working on growing my awareness & integration of my shadow, and wanted to join the Unspoken for the container of beautiful souls on the same path of self discovery. Also, for Dasha's insights to go alongside my own life experiences as they unfolded. During the program I found more alignment with my life path which led to quitting my career, and moving house to be surrounded by more joy & friendship, and to save money - I am now out of debt for the first time in 8 years!


My life now looks Beautiful! More than ever I feel life's magic... There is a real sense of growing self-knowledge and inner stability/calmness despite any chaos in my external surroundings. On a day to day basis I feel very busy still, but now 100% of what I spend my time on is aligned with my beliefs & direction. I will continue to work on my Being vs Doing, as there is still much work I need to do on respecting my limited capacity as a human by learning to say no to things even when I'm passionate about them (learning that stretching myself too thin doesn't serve anyone), and allowing myself to have down time without feeling guilty. Due to increased self-worth though, I only spend time with others who I feel are on a high vibration or where there is deep resonance, and as such I feel really connected with the tribe. This makes me really optimistic and empowered about all that is happening to create positive lasting change in the world. I loved the masterclasses, and all that we learnt and shared during these. It felt like we were sharing a really beautiful and safe space even through Zoom. I had an awesome experience! I would double check what they were hoping to get out of it, as I don't think all of the wisdom shared is where others are at. But for those that are ready for a deeper experience of themselves and are open to creating a different (more magic, abundant) reality then I would say to go for it!!


Sasha M - Project manager and full time student



 "I was able to gain confidence and decided to stay at home full time with my baby Bodhi guilt-free"


Before starting the Unspoken I wanted to become more in tune with myself, as well as resolve mental obstacles that prevented me from going for what I really desired. I wanted to start creating my dream life, find my purpose in life, live in abundance - both spiritual and material abundance - and accept myself fully and become more confident. 

Out of my participation in Unspoken I was able to gain confidence and decided to stay at home full time with my baby Bodhi guilt-free. I was able to see that my resistance towards taking Bodhi to day care was tied into me not wanting to go back to my full time job. It was really liberating and energising when I consciously decided to go my own way and not do what "you are supposed to do" or what is "normal" nowadays. 

I was also able to open up more in the group, show my vulnerability in the posts. I am happy and confident to share more about myself now because I accept myself more for who I am. I also feel free to share more with my partner James, which makes our relationship even deeper. 

I also loved getting to know the others and journeying together in a supportive community and I recommend working with Dasha to all.

Mirjam B - Full-time Mother


 “In my programs and workshops we don’t just accept difference, we celebrate everyone’s uniqueness. We celebrate all shapes, ages, colours, genders, sexualities and abilities. Community is one of our tops values. I strive to create a safe and radically inclusive space. The foundations of my work is all about radical self love and acceptance for self and for all around us. My offerings are open to all people including those with disability and other impairments. Please if for some reason you notice something missing, let me know. I will listen to you, to your needs, and will make sure that I can provide you with whatever you need to have a safe and profound journey..”

"I stopped living for myself many years ago, now I got my life back, I value myself and that feels totally liberating."


Before starting the Unspoken I struggled with confidence and acceptance, I had no belief in myself and while raising 4 children I lost my identity. Now I am able to believe in myself, I also learned to recognize when I'm self-sabotaging. I’m no longer afraid of my shadow. I have more confidence in myself. I now know when I put in the effort I can see my best work and I don't have to hide away anymore. The most delightful part of my experience was the vibrations!!! Even that word is magic I didn’t realize my value and I’d seen aging as a loss. Now I’m grateful for all lessons the good or the bad I learned that they all have a purpose. When we rise and our vibration shifts and sometimes others fall away but magical things begin to happen and the universe starts aligning. My biggest takeaway from the Unspoken is the feeling of wholeness. I stopped living for myself many years ago, now I got my life back, I value myself and that feels totally liberating. Without a second thought, I would refer anyone who is struggling with their identity, shadows, and/or self-worth to the Unspoken. Dasha is brilliant, vibrant, and bubbly. I didn't even realize how lost I was until I actually started the work. 

Mia W - Hemp educator and healer



Get Started For Less

10 payments of $122 USD

Watch replay now** and get next live round free

  • Access to Unspoken
  • Access to the entire library of trainings
  • 10 Weekly Live Q and A
  • BONUS: Weekly connection and accountability calls ($299)

Pay In Full And Save

$999 USD

Watch replay now** and get next live round free

  • Access to Unspoken
  • Access to the entire library of trainings
  • 10 Weekly Live Q and A
  • BONUS: Weekly connection and accountability calls ($299)


$1998 USD

Watch replay now** and get next live round free

  • 3 x Private Session Support ($1900)
  • Private email thread to have all your questions answered ($888)
  • Access to Unspoken
  • Access to the entire library of trainings
  • 10 Weekly Live Q and A
  • BONUS: Weekly connection and accountability calls ($299)

Well, fancy seeing you here at the bottom of the page!


Either you’ve scrolled right to the end to see how far this thing goes…


Or you’re still around because you’re not quite sure that this course is right for you, if now is the right time, or if I’m the right person to guide you.


So let me help you out.


Unspoken isn't for you if:

✘ You are just a spectator and not open to doing the work

✘ You already live the life of your dreams, receiving abundance from your soul's purpose and in the relationship of your dreams

✘ You just want to keep complaining, blaming others for your misfortunes, and not do anything about it

✘ You don't want more self love, self compassion and self acceptance.
✘ If you want to want to spend thousands of dollars and many hours, learning the hard way


Unspoken is the right fit for you if:


✔ You are new to self development and spirituality

Unspoken is designed in a way that new information is built upon each week so everyone is on the same page. Some weeks you will hear confirmation of what you already know other weeks you will learn something new.


✔ You are not new to self-development and spirituality

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey. It is important to have a strong foundation. Each module in Unspoken can be journeyed over and over again to dive deeper and deeper into the subject. No matter at what level you will come in you will get the medicine you are supposed to.


✔ You feel like you don't belong and noone gets you.

Unspoken has a strong group and community emphasis. I know from personal experience when you go through your awakening you may feel very alone, like you don't belong, like noone gets you. That is why I created the community aspect so you can see that you are not crazy and that you do belong. 


✔ You are feeling unworthy of investing into yourself

Unspoken is designed to make you look twice at areas of your life where you feel disempowered, where you sell out on yourself due to lack of worthiness. You will have breakthroughs in self love, and never feel like you are unworthy of any investment, where it is time or money.


✔ You have never done anything like this online

The magic of Unspoken being online is you get to connect with like minded souls from ALL over the world, you get to choose when and where you do the modules, you get to experience new levels of energetic and telepathic connections.


✔ You want to follow a proved and tested step by step guide

Unspoken has been designed to give you a total transformation over 12 weeks, it included only the most important and creme de la creme content that have the biggest and most rewarding impacts in my life and in my clients lives. I have made all the mistakes and I have spent thousands of dollars so now you don't have to.


✔ You have a history of not completing courses

A lot of my clients come to me with that. This course is designed to tackle limiting beliefs that stop you from following through and going after what you want. If you want a breakthrough in following through, this course is perfect for you to break those self-sabotaging patterns.


"It takes a lot to be able to look at your triggers, your wounds, and your traumas and hold space for them lovingly to be transmuted. But I truly believe that Unspoken is the safest space to do that."


Before joining the Unspoken I was struggling with the ability to express myself openly, to speak my truth, and use my voice. I wanted to develop the confidence to share my gifts with the world, to let go of the innate fear of judgement and to release all feelings of unworthiness and self doubt. Since joining the Unspoken I have noticed my friendships and connections with loved ones deepen,  after allowing myself to be more vulnerable and authentic within them. I have recognized huge shifts in the ways in which I love myself, and how this filters out into almost every aspect of my life.

Since completing the program I am still doing the work every day and going deeper and deeper into all layers of what was uncovered through speaking to the Unspoken. I am now feeling genuinely grateful and excited to be doing it, it truly feels like a blessing! Having witnessed my addictions, coping mechanisms and unhealthy attachments, I have found the courage to eventually break out of the cycle and have let go of so much that was no longer serving me. 

It takes a lot to be able to look at your triggers, your wounds and your traumas and hold space for them lovingly to be transmuted. But I truly believe that Unspoken is the safest space to do that. I now can listen to and trust my intuition. I honour every emotion that arises, and carry it all in love and acceptance. I embrace the sacredness of the present moment. I express gratitude every day for the opportunity to experience and explore the gift of being alive.


Bethan B - Sales Assistant 



Imagine it is October 24th, 2021...

Your face is hurting from smiling too much

You look back on the 3 months and your life now and you can’t recognise yourself, soo much have shifted and changed, you can not believe so much could change so quickly

You check your phone and you have heart warming messaging flooding in from your new international soul family, celebrating your wins! You could not have imagined doing this journey without them and how freaking well it worked online!!

You have a morning routine, you are no longer procreating your dreams, you are going for what you want

You are feeling happier and more confident than ever.

You are day dreaming about your sexy partner, and celebrating how much your relationship to pleasure has transformed.

You feel like your true self, you feel unstoppable, you feel so proud of who you are, it all paid off because now you are living the life of your dreams.

And of course you somehow had a mind blowing breakthrough with money even though there was no module on it…

Who knows what insert date would look like for you, could it be everything above?

Are you ready to find out?


"Most delightful part of the Unspoken was being a part of a community of like-minded individuals from all over the world"


Before starting the Unspoken I was struggling with money, boundaries and self confidence. It is so wild to look back now and to see what incredible transformation I have gone through and how many breakthroughs I have had in all of those areas in my life. Feck I am so proud of myself. I gained awareness!!!! So much awareness, and ability to change my thoughts, understanding my shadows and being aware of when my shadow is at play. Secondly I had a total breakthrough in self love. I am now really able to accept myself for who I am and valuing every part of me as opposed to looking for external validation. My life now looks so positive and vibrant. I have manifested, my dream life. I have had a taste and now I am just building on it. One of the most delightful part of the Unspoken was being a part of a community of like-minded individuals from all over the world. As well as holding space for them and having space held in return. Dasha brings your authentic self out, allows you to see your shadows and holds you in a safe and loving way and then holds you in your glory as she shows you how to bring out your true magic!! If you want to work on you and create the life of your dreams! Dasha is your person!

Chambrie F - Registered Nurse, and Holistic Health Coach







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I acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of this nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn, play and work. I pay respects to their Ancestors and Elders, past, present and emerging.

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