Understanding your menstrual cycle.

Reclaim the power of your period, free yourself from the shame and the pain.


Did you know that...if you hate, reject or shame your period you actually hate, reject and shame a part of you. Walking around with this heavy ball and chain reflecting directly into your self-worth, your self-love and your ability to fully claim your power. Your ability to fully love and accept yourself. This then affects your career choices, your relationship choices, and all other life choices.
Would you like to know more? Want to know how to transform that?
What would it be like if you didn’t hate your period?
What would it be like if you loved your period?
Can you even imagine that? I know there was a point in my life where I couldn’t.
I did everything I could not have it. It haunted me...if I have anything fun to do, like go on camp or a swimming carnival I would get my menstrual cycle.
I freaking hated it, I tried to skip it as much as I could until my friend told me about her Implanon and how it was the best thing ever because she never bled.
Back then I thought it was God's gift to womxn..that was until I found out the true power of our monthly blood.
It wasn’t until I have been on the Implanon for over 4 years. Some womxn in the course have stopped bleeding already. We shed a lot of grief that day. So much grief over the magical times we missed, the powerful blood we lost or just trashed.
From that moment I was on a mission to support women and people that bleed in my life. I was also passionate to educate any partners or fathers that wanted to know more.

What past attendees say...

“Before doing Dasha's workshop. I was so disconnected from my monthly bleed turns out I knew Hardly anything about it. My mum told me Women get their periods every month and that was that.

Dasha opened my mind up to the beauty of my monthly bleed. That it is to be cherished and embraced, a time to go within and connect to yourself. 

I now track my cycle and have positive thoughts towards my bleed. Each month I take time to go within and be with myself.

I wouldn’t know what I know, I wouldn’t feel what I feel if I hadn’t gone to Dasha's workshop.

She makes you feel warm safe and welcome. Unjudged and heard. The other ladies there were lovely too ❀️😊🌺🌹”


Who is this for?
This course is for you if you bleed if you have finished or have stopped or care deeply about someone with a menstrual cycle.
I tried to fit in as much as I could in this jam-packed 4-hour workshop! Plus you will also get a Red Tent on the 10th of June. Because this will be new knowledge sometimes it's hard to keep it up when the world around you still holds the dense energy or shame and digest. This follow-up will be to support you in your journey to freedom and unconditional love.
The idea of Red Tents originated many years ago, back in the day when the womxn would come together to bleed together. It was a magical time of rest, traveling between realms as the veils between worlds are the thinnest during your bleed.
On the 10th of June, I will also guide you through a shamanic journey into reclaiming the menarche.
What's in the workshop?
The workshop starts with the acknowledgment of country, an intro, and creating of safe space.
Part 1
Connecting to your cycle - the deep truth of it. Herstory the intro to the history of the power of our blood we will dive deep into your relationship to your menstrual cycle and discover how it affects your self-worth. 
Part 2
Learn Moonsong wheel by the famous Jane Hardwicke-Collings (midwife/white witch) - understanding how you fit into the wheel of life. Moon cycles, seasons, time, archetypes - maiden, mother, mega, crone, menstrual cycle, pagan holidays/traditions and other powerful rituals. This was one of the most crazies, mind-blowing things I learned. Just this part alone will change your life forever.
Break 20-30 minutes for rest and integration)
Part 3
Shamanic Journey to reclaim your menarche! Menarche (the first time your bleed) is a rites of passage for womxn, no intention is the intention. How you stepped into womxnhood reflects how you live life now. Whether it was epic and memorable or shameful and sad. You will get to reclaim your rightful power with this beautiful and gentle shamanic journey. (No previous experience needed, suitable for anyone and works for all, don’t worry)
Part 4
Blood magick, menstrual rituals, and period sex! (For all levels beginners and advanced) Yes we get into the power and the magic of the sacred blood. Did you know that the blood cells we release every month is would create the baby if you got pregnant? That blood creates a human. Ready to find out its true power? I’ll share some rituals that have been passed down through generations, I’ll explain what to put on your alter, what to wear, what to eat and how to f*ck. Have you done sex magic before? How about blood magic? And how about both? This is not to be missed!
Part 5
The truth about tampons revealed
Part 6
Completion and Q and A
Plus a Red tent follow-up session in a month's time! A red tent is a place where women gather, connect, dream and channel when on their period.
🩸Lifetime access to all content
🩸Lifetime access to a community with like-minded souls to share tips tricks and experiences. This is priceless, I found it hard to integrate when people around me still hated their cycles and I couldn’t connect on the same wavelength.
This workshop is valued at $1555 USD, but you won't have to pay that today. Refer to the sliding scale prices below.
And YES you are freaking worth the investment! As you bring healing to your self you heal your ancestral threads and paving a more empowered and healed future for womxn.

What past attendees say...

“I attended Dasha’s blood mysteries workshop after experiencing her sister's circles and loving them. Dasha creates a fun, safe space to be exactly who you are. Her energy and passion is enlivening! The blood mysteries workshop was my first experience of a truly open forum discussion on such womanly topics. There was little of such in my home growing up and what was taught at school was regulated. A program rolled out and ticked off, covering what somewhat else thought important. It was mainstream and formatted to align with Catholicism. Dasha introduced to me the cycles, the natural cycles from macro to micro of my hormones, life stages, the seasons. She opened my awareness to the sacredness, the reverent, the miraculous that is our common day-to-day. She ignited me to peruse further study as there was so much that sex-ed at school did not cover! Thank you Dasha. xxx” - Alyssa

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What to expect at the end of the workshop...

A greater understanding of...

  • Of your cycle
  • how you fit into the cycles of nature and life
  • period magic and wisdom


  • Confidence
  • Peace of mind
  • Acceptance
  • Freedom
  • Like minded friends

A total transformation

in your power, how you view yourself and the world. How??

Register to find out!

Hi I am Dasha (she/her)

It is nice to e-meet you. I am a radical self love and acceptance coach. I personally was lucky to study with Jane Hardwicke-Collings and Janine Ma-Ree, who unlocked my deep inner wisdom through guiding me through connection to my period and my womb. I hadn’t always loved my period, actually I hated it and I used an implanon and didn’t bleed for over 4 year and loved it! I know it is so crazy to think how disconnected I was and so sad to think that our society conditions us just to plug it up. I am very passionate about lifting the shame around periods. This information is the crucial most important stuff I have gathered over the years. In just 4 hours and the live Red Tent session - you will have all the information to reclaim your menarche or guide and support your loved one through it. Can't wait to support you on this healing journey of the collective.

What past attendees say...

I took part in Dasha’s, blood mysteries workshop. I had a small understanding of what I was going into. A space full of women talking about period?! I wasn’t fully sure about it if I am honest. However, there is something magnetic about being in a room and connecting with women over something we all go through. Listening to others' pain and/or the joy of their experiences, or their pure love for their period. I was shocked at what I learned, how everything is connected to this cycle. If you want to get to know your inner self on a deeper level I definitely think you need to attend. - Lauren P

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