How To  Create An Irresistible Offer? 

Learn to create an irresistible offer and easily sell your product. 

I am running a little workshop on how to create an irresistible offer.
It has been something I have been working on in my business have had success with.
I am also wanting to share it with others and see how this can align to their business model.
Being good at your gift and providing incredible healing and experiences and being good at business and sales are 2 very different things.
When I first started my coaching business in 2019 (this wasn’t my first business) I got a business coach, I channeled a course, I made lots of money I was soo excited.
And then I joined more courses did more certifications and joined other business groups and saw that I am an anomaly - that it wasn’t just as easy as sitting down, creating something and selling out.
I was so confused.
I wondered what made me different from others.
Beginners' mind and mindset is a huge aspect of what made me successful, I didn’t know it wasn’t possible.
The second thing was that I didn’t let fear stop me, I actually did a thing that terrified me every day (not sure how my nervous system felt about this).
And lastly my rigorous training in sales.
I have had many businesses before my coaching business, I studied psychology and then worked in marketing.
I have always been fascinated by the human mind.
Since my first successful launch, I wanted to know more, I wanted to see if there were more skills and tools that I could use to be even more successful. I did lots of courses, some resonated others didn’t. But I learned a lot about sales and marketing.
This is where this workshop was born.
It is a combination of many things I learned about helping you sell your product faster but making it irresistible to your client, in an authentic and ethical way, no sleazy icky sales here. I will talk about all techniques and also why icky sleazy actually doesn’t support your business long term.
More info here:
The intention of this workshop is to help you understand how to create offers that feel irresistible to your ideal clients and help you sell your products with ease, pleasure, and fun for all involved.
In this workshop, you will learn the basics of creating irresistible offers that your potential clients can not resist. You will learn what exactly is an irresistible offer and what makes an offer irresistible. You will then create your own irresistible offer for your potential clients in the workshop LIVE.
(Don’t worry done is better than perfect, you can always perfect later!)
You will have the support of the workshop structure whether you are joining live or catching the replay. You will leave with a tangible offer to go and sell straight away and of course, some mindset work to support you in doing it NOW!!
There will be theory, mindset, embodiment and Q and A.
This is for you if...
- you already have offers or packages or something to sell but people are not buying.
- you have an audience to sell to but they are not buying.
- you want to sell more and have your customers super excited to buy from you.
- you want clarity on how to make your customers see the value in your products.
- you have an open mind and are ready to learn something new.
This is not for you if you have nothing to sell (please bring a product or an idea of what you could sell).

Hi I am Dasha


At 29 years of age, I live my purpose, I adore my life. I have travelled to over 53 countries and enjoy the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I have cultivated and manifested my dream life with help of my superpower...intuition. The deeper I dive into myself, the more I trust myself, the more truth I can speak, and the more results I can manifest.

I used to believe that I had to work hard to play hard. That I couldn't get paid to do what I love in ease and flow.

I used to think that I had to give my gifts away for free, because who was I to make money from them? Or have a soul-draining full-time job.

Everything shifted in my life when I was ready to take a truthful review of my life, and my beliefs and start to live my life from intuition and divine-inspired action. 

I started to see that it was about working smart not hard and that my intuition was guiding me along the way I just had to listen.

My whole life transformed when I realized that money love, and pleasure were all equal to how I felt about myself, and the more I lived in my authenticity and truth, the more I was able to step fully into all my dreams coming true! 

Since then I have been able to support hundreds of people in transforming their beliefs and creating the life of their dreams.

And I want to help you! Join me for this intuition training and learn how you too can harness this superpower you were born with.